Ms Patty
4 min readSep 25, 2022

To the best of my understanding, the Bible was written by men from the perspective of men, pretty much limiting women’s input all together.


Since I have begun writing these articles, it appears there is more to the Bible (and therefore opportunity for America) that makes it possible for there to be choices for a better life to be possible than we were ever aware of than before.

(1) There is the first Chapter of Genesis, and Chapter 2, Verse 1.

(2) Then there is the traditional understanding of the rest of the Bible.

Option 2 is a given. What you learn is what you get, with man’s history continuing to repeat itself worse in the future and inevitably not ending well for the planet as well as a lot of innocent people who weren’t even aware they were going to get caught up in it all.


From a woman’s perspective, the evolution of these articles has revealed to me that Christian Women and Men could possibly try to look at Option 1. This, I believe, is the Real Truth and is the reason for the suggestion for Women and Men to try to begin to work together equally; and to try to help each other find and learn from the limited and overlooked perspectives of Biblical Scripture. To find out for themselves that the ending of the Bible is not necessarily what tradition has dictated is inevitable for all of us.


Perhaps then some form of naturally accumulated group perspective could then try to begin to claim and live life even better than ever, with the momentum of history changing to making life better over time and possibly reversing the inadvertent man-made difficult circumstances — which were made without the full Help of Holy Spirit and Women — eventually restoring the planet and all life on it back to what the Bible depicts Our Creator originally Created — and more.


Then there’s the “adversity/evil” part. Again, I believe because of the influence of men in positions of authority who claim Option 2 as the only way life will ever be, the valuable input of women has been virtually ignored.


I have learned that, with the Help of Jesus and Holy Spirit, there is a nonviolent, albeit time consuming, difficult, way to stand one’s ground until, ultimately, according to the Golden Rule, the adversity and/or evildoers/lawbreakers begin to suffer the consequences of their own actions; freeing the good people to go free to live life peacefully and well. (And I say this because I have been living with and working toward ending an evildoer/lawbreaker situation for 5+ years. Jesus has been Instrumental all along. He Helped in the beginning, has Coached me; and it WILL end His Way.)


And also, there are even more overlooked issues to be Overcome: the lack of consistent health and prosperity, and out of control fire, storms and floods (virtually all of the issues that are so devastating people’s lives right now). Jesus Overcame them all and gave us the same ability: it’s called Grace. Why can’t people, individually or in groups, at least try to start to try to begin Overcoming these issues — one at a time — with Jesus' and Holy Spirit’s Help?


It appears that this New Beginning and New Season is an opportunity to try to begin to incorporate a reasonable new perspective of all of the Bible and Scripture with the traditional understanding, rather than to choose one over the other. And with a never before — new — way of trying to eliminate adversities of all kinds and/or evil/lawbreaking situations ultimately — hopefully — permanently.


Early on, I made the choice to acknowledge and trust Holy Trinity over the traditional influences of men and some women, and to submit fully — day by day — to trusting Our Creator, the Coaching of Jesus, and the Help of Holy Spirit to help with the issues in my and my children’s lives. (I began by taking baby steps in each area of my life and have been building on them for decades.)


The bottom line for me with these articles is to try to not only depict and convey a more positive perspective of the Bible and Holy Trinity, and a more wholesome way of living a Christian life; but to hopefully effectively counter the popular negative perspective of the Book of Revelation, paving the way for the opportunity for a genuinely good future for America, our children, and our neighbors.


I believe we don’t have to wait for Jesus’ physical return for Him to help Women and Men to try to “begin” to solve America’s and, hopefully, the world’s problems. I’m trusting that there are at least one or two people out there who can try to comfortably agree with these suggestions and that there really are options. Then, that would possibly be all that’s needed to give America, its people, the planet and all of life “options” to not be inevitably doomed, but Blessed. Being doomed is not the Promise of the Creator I know, believe, trust and love.

“Again I Say to you, if two of you agree on Earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in Heaven.” Matthew 18:19


“No testing has overtaken you (Women and Men) except what is common to mankind. And God is Faithful; He will not let you be tested beyond what you can bear. But when you are tested, He will also Provide a Way out so that you can endure it.” I Corinthians 10:13

“For where two or three have gathered together in My Name, there I (Jesus and Holy Spirit) am (metaphysically) in their midst. I (Jesus) Am Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last.” Matthew 18:20; Revelation 22:13

September 25, 2022



Ms Patty

When we thought we knew it all about the Bible and what it offers, it's surprising to reason through Scripture and learn of possibly much more to draw upon.